Serving the Individual, Serving You
I’ve had the pleasure of being in formal partnerships with tens of folks since I began coaching four years ago, with certifications under my belt.
I consider myself the accidental coach. I coached informally for over a decade. Didn’t know I was good at it until I was told by individuals who I coached ("talent") the difference our candid conversations had on them.
Coaching has always been about who I am coaching. It’s not about me or some formula or framework to apply to talent as if they were a widget.
The partnerships I am a part of are solely to serve the talent, to meet them where they are at, and what is important to them.
My coaching approach is as unique as the talent.
The talent does all the heavy lifting in the partnership. As I remind and celebrate them after a session, that they did 99% of the heavy lifting and work. I did 1% of the work, which consists of challenging and championing them with the right questions based on what they share, unfold, and self discover.
It’s been such an interesting journey. I’ve partnered with talent from all walks of life and professions: entrepreneurs, executives, future executives, professionals, and college students.
The raw and real conversations with those whom I’ve been honored to partner with are as unique and real as each one of them is and will become.
To listen to someone put into words what they’ve needed to say or hadn't explored enough, waiting to be discovered and said, is quite an experience to witness and be a part of.
It’s like listening to someone’s soul. Hearing a truth and self discovery unfold through words, silence, body language and gestures. Independent of the world and pearound us, other’s or self imposed misaligned expectations, and fixed perspectives.
Then having the opportunity to ask what needs to be asked, for their consideration and exploration is such a privilege and journey to witness.
I look forward to listening to your truth telling and discovery when the time is right for you.
(The picture is of a huisache tree on our property in Mexico. The picture is comprised of individuals, some of whom I have had the pleasure of being in a partnership with.)